careers at atman labs

At Atman Labs, we believe in the power of small and powerful organizations versus large ones, and that innovation requires being brave and taking risks. We would rather push a bolder idea than a safe one, and believe that the perfect environment for a moonshot is one where we can unabashedly express ourselves and trust each other. Working with a talented team, we may sometimes disagree but we are optimistic and think for ourselves. We infuse creativity with logic and would rather be around interdisciplinary thinkers than siloed ones. We work intensely every day, but are still unafraid to have fun in the process.

We are determined. We are highly ambitious in the impact our technologies can have on society – we will soon influence every purchase, every educational moment, and enable new, superhuman capabilities for humans. We are not afraid to say no to conventional research and perceptions to push the limits of what's possible, while being curious and adaptable if new ground changes yesterday's perspective. We take our responsibility seriously to bring this technology to the masses, aligning science fact with science fiction at a global scale and accelerating evolution. Join us.

Founding Engineer: Superhuman Visual Generation

Atman Labs, London

Founding Engineer: Reinforcement Learning and Intelligent Strategization

Atman Labs, London

Founding Engineer: Knowledge Acquisition and Representation

Atman Labs, London

Founding Engineer: Visual Synthesis and Generative Algorithms

Atman Labs, London

Founding Engineer: High-Performing Systems Architecture

Atman Labs, London

Founding Engineer: Conversational Product Design

Atman Labs, London

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© 2023-2024 ATMAN LABS, INC.

© 2023-2024 ATMAN LABS, INC.

© 2023-2024 ATMAN LABS, INC.